v2.0 Landrover Defender 90
Better offroad performance with XL motors
Better offroad performance with XL motors
Because the old grey version was very popular i decided to redesign the old grey Landrover Defender 90 to make it more powerful. To do this i added 2 XL power-functions motors in the chassis of the official lego technic model 9398.
Also the body is redesigned. The old grey Landrover Defender 90 was a bid heavy because a lot of unnecessary bricks. The new red version has less bricks and almost the same shape. This made the body a bit lighter so it was possible to mount suspension which is less stiff.
Building instructions
There are several building instructions available of my Landrover Defender 90 serie.
You can find them here
Building instructions
There are several building instructions available of my Landrover Defender 90 serie.
You can find them here
In the video you can see how it performs against the opponents of nature.